Is Capitalism Bad? A German Street Interview

I was watching a video (from a how to learn German YouTube channel). (sometimes I play these in the background while I’m working). The bit is a part where they go out and ask people on the street what they think of things, on this one Capitalism.
The following dialog is well said.
Well, intuitively, when you hear the question then you want to say “no, capitalism is bad,”
but I think “well, Germany definitely benefits from it.”And ultimately we humans are so egotistic,
and that’s exactly why capitalism works,
because we are all just concerned about what we’d like to have and that’s exactly what we follow through with.
Therefore, yeah sure, I’d also intuitively say capitalism destroys us, but essentially we destroy ourselves with our egotism.
Yeah, if you ask me it’s more like (coming away from) egotism and that’s the question, how we manage that.
And actually, I have a relatively simple answer to it, I mean, I’m a Christian and in the bible it says;
“Love thy neighbor as thyself and god is to be loved above everything”
I think if we follow through with that, if we all love other just as much as we do ourselves, then we can come out of this egotism, and then we can go a step in the direction, we (can) end capitalism a bit.

Very good logic to why socialist policies will NOT be successful in our current social environment: egotism and materialism.
It starts at home, and with your tribe (taking care of others). Once we can do this as a society, maybe we can talk about this type of law (though at that point there won’t be a need).

[If you aren’t using your influence in your world and behaving in the way you want the government to behave, I’d claim that you have no business to desire such legislation to be implemented on the masses. “Do as I say and not as I do, government.” (my own bitter commentary on the types that say their way is best, but seldom behave “their way.”)]